Adrienne Betz, Associate Professor of Psychology, Director, Behavioral Neuroscience at Quinnipiac University. I earned a PhD from the Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut in 2006. After completing my doctorate, I accepted a NIH-funded Postdoctoral Fellowship at Yale University to study molecular, cellular, and behavioral neurobiology. Both of my educational programs emphasized translational research designed to bridge the gap between basic neurobiology and clinical psychology and aimed to illuminate the pathophysiology of neurodegeneration, depression and addiction in order to lay the groundwork for treatment options for these diseases.
In 2009, I transitioned to a faculty position at Quinnipiac University in the Department of Psychology. In addition to maintaining an active research laboratory and mentoring students, I have assumed responsibility for organizing the Northeast Society for Undergraduate Research Organization for Neuroscience (NEURON) Conferences (
Photographer: Mark Stanczak